Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chameleon Corner

 For a while now I have been attaching videos to some of my articles I think it adds to what I'm saying. Recently however I have been learning how to create my own videos and well... it has been a ton of fun. I have been taking a course in college that deals with video editing and let me tell you, thee best move I ever made. So, like the good guy that I am I have decided to share with you all the first ever vid I have ever created. I shot, choreographed, voiced, edited  and labored over this entire process for my midterm. It took me about two weeks to but everything together. What's it about you ask? Come on, its a soccer blog what did think I would shoot, the tender stages of the North American brown squirrel's life, which isn't that bad if you have the chance watch something about that go do it I do have a soft spot for the Discovery Channel and such. So the vid is a soccer how do and I have to say I have been inspired by Youtube and her many soccer tutorial professors mainly a guy from Austria, so his profile says named Carilho90. He is really something I'm actually going to post  a link to his channel under my vid so definitely check him out. Thanks to my friends who help me shoot, Yanis and Dennis the two German guys who did the bulk of the skills and Hani and TJ my mates from college. CW POST or nothing! So without further ado, had slip a cliche' in there here it is my vid. Doesn't that drawing of Club America and Chivas Guadalajara's mascots look great just saying.

Carilho90's Youtube page he is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


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