Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Editorial: Potential Football Hot Beds

All good things come to those who wait. That is why probably good things tend to past me by but you my faithful disciples shall be rewarded and have been rewarded. The editorial has returned as I said it would, in the last installment I mention how research plays a big part the stories and this one is no different. Still on that Potential Football Hot Bed scene for the uneducated on the topic the story takes a look at the unfashionable footballing regions and nations of the world for example your Caribbeans and Australasias of the world, a google is reconmended for that word. Why am I doing it ?, because I am a firm believer of parity in all circles. Football is the world's game and I want to shun the light upon the darkness that blankets the the unfortunate, why should the Western Europeans and The South Americans have all the fun it is time to take notice to the ailing we here on the blog like to think of ourselves as the United Nations Football Aid (UNFA), its not a real organisation but I think we should press on with it our motto can be, "Leave No Man Unmarked." I like that.

Men From The Land Of Zen

Southern Style

Asu meaning to go outside or to ascend is an ancient Akkadian word for Asia ascend referring to the sun. Very appropiate because the sun rises on east side where our beloved continent in discussion is located but lets see if any else besides the sun rises over there the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) certainly hopes so.The Asian states are a frenzied lot if they like something let me tell you it is idolized think of the major religions of the land Islam and Buddhism not comparing fantic behaviour with religion of course. The devotion to religion in this part of the world is remarkable. No more than the south of the continent where Hinduism is the flavour of the centuries. South Asia is where our gaze is fixed upon. Unlike the previous story I do know my South Asian nations so Magnifique for me, how can you not know them, most of them are the most famous nations on this little green and blue ball 93.2 million miles away from the giant orange super hot ball that ancient civilizations use to worship. It is a beautiful and wild place south Asia but does their football share this perfection from what I see far from. Now let us see who the UNFA has to save, according to FIFA the world governing football body and the AFC the southern states in football are as followed, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Apart from Bhutan and The Maldives I reckon the nations have caught the ear more than once if not I pray for your ignorance. Now that we know the culprits lets analyze the crime ,so cliche' I hate.
The FIFA rankings are as followed starting with the pathetic and ascending to the dismal, at a staggering 192nd in the world is Bhutan, Afghanistan is holding down the prestigous 184th spot while Bangladesh has reached the dizzing heights of 171st in the world. Bhutan is very hilarious narrowly escaping the title of being the worse footballing nation on earth a few years back, in 2002 to be exact the Bhutan Eleven lock horns with Monserratt to determine who is the worse in the world and to my dismay defeated my West Indian neighbours, it was a truly a dark day in CONCACAF history. If your vying for the bottom spot you do not even need mention so on we shall move. For the Afghans my heart truly bleeds for, if they was a case for the UNFA to tackle it would be this one. For you see the Afghans do not desreve their lowly rank and this is where I say there is more to life than football. From 1984 to 2003 football was outlawed by the Taliban and playing of the sport in any form was forbidden but thankfully they are now back on the world stage and I hope they shoot up the rankings I really do because I am a big softie at heart so they will receive no poisonous jabs from me. Bangladesh, you on the other hand will be crucified. I understand that you are a very poor nation but so is half of the world, what is upsetting is that you have a massive population and the sport may be a step child to cricket a sport that you very much struggle at so much so that I will go as far as saying that me and ten Russian guys all named Yuri who know nothing the sport of cricket can rape the Bangladeshi national team enough said about the "Bengal Tigers." I am starting to see a trend with this series on the blog with the FIFA rankings it seems that countries from the same region tend to have very close rankings take Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka for instance, 170th, 167th and 161st respectively. To be honest the Nepalese are not to big on sports I can't think of any world class athelete in their borders and the highly mountainous nation is better known for their snowcap summits and their praying monks than for football so may be I could let them slide I guess trying to find enlightenment is more important. Now to the cricketers, yes the cricketers Pakistan and Sri Lanka lets make no mistake these are cricket playing nations not as great as my beloved West Indies but very good. They are poor nations as well but who isn't my biggest problem is the populations of Asian nations are lets face it stuffed to the gills with humans and Sri Lanka and Pakistan are no different and my question is in such dense forest of children of Adam and Eve can they not spawn at least one decent footballer does the gentleman's game hold that much sway, I aint buying that. Now to the dynamic duo 149th ranked Maldives and the 147th rank mighty India, the Maldives for those who don't know the Maldives they are a beautiful cluster of islands off the coast of the Subcontinent google activated, they are stuff dreams are made of puts the Caribbean to shame in terms of rustic beauty in terms of football I'm not so generous with my words I don't know any Maldivian footballers or atheletes for that matter not a good look and I do my small island nation sports but credit to them for at least beating out their more famous neighbours to the north. Now the pinnacle of South Asian football or as I like to call them the pretenders to the throne who sit upon the apex of the glory of the south the world's second highest human infested country India. What can be said with a population of a billion surely the football lottery has to had to spit out a player of great potential but according to my good Russian friend Yuri the answer is NYET, which is if you have not guessed it no in English. India like Pakistan and Sri Lanka whose borders themselves are bursting at the seams with humans have much more people to entertain. Cricket is in need lord here but I will say to you as I have said to China a billion people is a crap load of people one of them has to be at least good this just shows India's attitude toward the game. The only player of note is one Baichung Bhutia the guy doing the kung fu style leap in the picture very cool I might add. To but things in perspective the biggest club he ever played for is Bury FC a first division English club and when I say first it really means third tier. He is worshipped in India so he probably is one of the most popular people on the planet want to know why because he has a billion fans. India are weak at best and blame has to be placed on the average Indian's psyche who merely see the game as a hobby or something to do when heavy rains come and cricket pitches or surfaces are unreachable.
The verdict on this part of the world is the man power is available but sadly the cricketing playing nations will never heed to the call of football and the Maldives and Nepal just don't seem interested but my single hope is for Afghanistan maybe their hiatus from the game will burn a hole in their souls so they can press foward. Not being forward with my beliefs but a famous quote from the Christian faith states, " God helps those who help themselves," this is also true in the sport you have to care, a notion that I don't think the south is on board with. Cricket and even field hockey more than over shadow football they smothers it. The UNFA can not help those who are not willing to be saved like so many religions you have to want to be apart of that whole you have the man power and the passion for sports I only hope up will embrace the sport. Don't worry guys I will try to get the UNFA pended.

1 comment:

Green Lizard said...

One billon ppl india can u at least produce a substitiute someone who can sit one bench lol