Monday, August 31, 2009

EPL Team Of The Week

I have been in deep thought of late, well to be honest I do think alot. I often scare myself and on the brief occasion amuse myself. Anyway as I said I have been on my Sigmund Freud slash Herodotus tip both men worth a google and there is this one question that really reverberate in the canyon which is my skull, that is how can I change the world? I know I am not the first man who have asked this question and similar versions of it but I did dwell on it. What can I do that will change the world. Firstly does the world need changing and if so will I change it for better or worse?What tools to I have to bring about change. Well personally I really have no outstanding skills. I am not athletic, I don't consider myself very smart and as for extreme monk like discipline goes you again have the wrong man. Now hearing what I can't do you would think I do not have alot to offer. You would be right to a point. I am what you call a dreamer, someone who hopes against hope. I do think I am good at one thing though and that is this writing thing. Well the jury is still out on that but these lot are great with out question. In my ramblings I forgot to properly set up the EPL team of the week. Or was it a set up in itself? Think about it, insert comic laugh here.

Match Day 4

Formation: A lone farrow shall be ploughed by the striker this week. He will me up top all on his own. We are going with a 4-2-3-1 line up.Why? To be honest this weekend only this one forward really jumping up and down in my Flintstones underwear. Plus the two in the line that you see were Titanic had to structure the whole
formation around them.

Team Of The Week
Goalkeeper- Petr Cech (Chelsea)

Left Back- Ashley Cole (Chelsea)
Center Back-John Terry (Chelsea)
Center Back- Richard Stearman (Wolverhampton Wanderers)
Right Back- Glen Johnson (Liverpool) (captain)
Central Defensive Midfielder- Michael Ballack (Chelsea)
Central Defensive Midfielder- Darren Fletcher (Manchester United)
Left Winger- Andrei Arshavin (Arsenal)
Right Winger- Aaron Lennon (Tottenham Hotspurs)
Central Attacking Midfielder- Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Striker- Peter Crouch (Tottenham Hotspurs)


Petr Cech- It was only a matter of time before he was in the team. I went with the safe approach this week. No keeper shone this week. Cech in all honesty had a pretty boring g
ame for Chelsea and as a former goalkeeper myself I know boring is beautiful. Clean sheet nice one from the Czech.

Ashley Cole-
A very swashbuckling performance from the England left back. If you don't know, Cole tends to have a go f**k yourself mantra but who can blame him if he is this good. Wonder goal on the weekend the lad picks himself.

John Terry- They say the most important part of a sword is its blade but it is the hilt of a sword its handle where the true power comes from, the back of the sword. John Terry is the hilt of his team solid assured and this week and for many years he has been that fulcrum. JT the legend.

Richard Stearman-
Finally a man that is not in Chelsea blue. Stearman battled hard this weekend for Wolves and the lad did steer the ball into the back into the net for his side's only goal that earned them a point. Was that a pun. Yes albeit poor one. Well done Stearman.

Glen Johnson- You guys must be wondering if I am sweet for this guy and you would not be very far
of if you were inquiring. I do like Glen and he has cemented in my mind what a right back should be, so for this he is this week's captain. He made the team 3 weeks in a row he deserves it.P.S they are other right backs but the boy is amazing.

Michael Ballack-
The former Bavarian baller is one half of the equation that prompted me to choose this unique formation. His defensive play and offensive punch was a sight. So this makes him the fourth Chelsea player in the team. No mind though the German was easily distinguishable from his compatriots for his power and placement.

Darren Fletcher-
The other half of that equation I spoke of. O how far Ye have come Darren Fletcher. From bit part to United's heart. He has come a long way. His performance for Manchester United was empowering. He never complains just runs and tackles, the way it should be.

Andrei Arshavin-
It is so very ironic that Arsenal manager Arsene Wegner said before he signed the Russian that he is not in the Arsenal mold and is to weak for the English game. Now he is an integral member of his squad. He lost on the weekend but he was lively and did score a beauty and his play had United very worried.

Aaron Lennon-
The hottest Hotspur at the moment this is not his first time on the team,the England man can do no wrong another goal this week and the game winner to boot.

Steven Gerrard-
Dumb over used title number one. Steven Gerrard.....the King of the Kop. Number two. The Lord of Liverpool. Number three the Red Baron. All that and more is v
aliant midfielder. Inspired his team to victory over a pugnacious Bolton. The fighting fighter.

Peter Crouch- Did not start the game. This will tell you what miracles he performed to be on this team. He was marvelous I liken it to the return of Napoleon from the isle of Elba. He really upped the moral of his side.

All of the "Big Four," in England has a bloke in this side and I must say this by far the strongest side to be fielded on the blog to date. Teams beware. This week's video would have been the Chelsea game but that has been posted on the Round Up so we toss it over to the big game of the week.

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