Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Its been a while I know. I feel something poetic must be said, maybe a haiku or a quatrain to somewhat stimulate the soul.Or maybe a some feminine interpretative dance needs to be performed or my personal favourite the pantomime. I say to you my reader you have never truly experience life if you haven't seen a 98 pound seven year old Chinese girl name Bau in an owl costume jumping around screaming the most God awful things. This is the world of pantomime as I knew it. I will never get back those few precious hours of my life but the youngsters in Hatchlings seem like they have all the time in the world. I came out with all the poetic references for good reason that being I have not done this particualr segment for what must seem like ages. Something always came up or I was to big of a vagabond, note my grandmother's favourite word when referring to misplaced youth folk, to motivate myself for some reason or another. I was in hiding like how Rhea hid her son Zeus from his father Kronos so that he would not be devoured like all her other children and like Zeus I have returned to exact righteous and valor to the world and oust the old guard. Well not really but I am back to shine light on the often forgotten. This dude though is hard to forget trust me.

Name: Theo James Walcott

D/O/H: 03/16/1989 (age 20)

Place of Hatching: Stanmore, Greater London, England

Position: Winger/Forward

Preferred Claw: Right

Height: 5'9 ft/inches

National Team: England

Caps: 8

Club Teams: AFC Newbury, Swindon Town, Southampton FC (2005/06), Arsenal FC (2006-present)

OH Britannia, Britannia we love you.I DON'T. As a national team I personally think England is the most boring over hyped, over payed, over rated, dull although I said boring, vane and uninteresting harem of bitches one can ever come across. That is England as an unit but in terms of their league structure they are immaculate. The football leagues in the British Isles are masterstrokes and one has to admit their top league is the finest in the world, ironically though it is not the English that has made it what it is to be its the influx of foreign talent has made it what it is today. You take the England's players out of their drab national strip then we can talk and talk we shall. Individually English players are very skillful I won't call names because they are for one to many to call and two it is all about the young man aloft in said picture. Lets due him justice shall we.
Theo James Walcott was born in Stanmore, Greater London, England on the 16th of March in the good year of 1989.
To a Jamaican father and an English mother. A prodigy is an understatement. I personally call him Teofilo after the Portuguese play write who was known for his artistry. At age 14 teen I was to playing football for the reserves of my secondary school team, Theo well.........he to was playing for his secondary school team so at least we are even there. What can be said in his early stages of his football tutelage Theo even before he was at the mature level of secondary school the kid was talented. I am really struggling to find a word that can describe a youngster even younger than what he is now. His father took Theo to his first club setting with AFC Newbury after lighting up the school setting with his advanced style of play not only in football. Walcott like so many sportsmen excels at other sports with basketball also an option for the England wide man but thank goodness football prevailed seeing him playing basketball I don't think would be that exciting as his football. Newbury was just a stepping stone for Theo and soon found himself at Swindon Town a team I actually know. With prodigies there is almost a curse that follows them that being they can never hide, they are always a prized commodity with everyone wanting to be their great mentor the one who coaxed raw potential into assured ability. With Walcott his future was set in stone the day he signed Southampton in the season of 2005/06. In his times with the club affectionately known as the "Saints," Walcott amassed 21 appearances with the first of which coming in 2004 against Championship rivals Watford. Becoming the youngest player ever to play for Southampton at 15 years 157 days to be exact. I was not surprise the boy had a deal with Nike at age 14. This kind of hype for 15 year old is not normal but not uncommon. Throughout the sports world kids are earmarked to be the future of the game in which they play and everyone wants a piece of that next big thing, dumb cliche number one. What was not so dumb was the attention he was receiving and a watchful gaze from an old French man in London soon landed upon him. Like a stalking pedophile Arsene Wegner swooped in for the starlet and brought Theo Walcott to the then home of Arsenal FC, Highbury. Maybe pedophile was a bit harsh but if you don't know Monsieur Wegner has a tendency to buy extremely young players a trend I don't think he will ever stop. In 2006 Walcott became a Gunner and to this date has appeared 63 times and netted six times for the North London outfit. Dubbed the next Thierry Henry, a tag I think unjustly fitted to the man but not unreachable or insurmountable. They are some very close similarities between the two they are one both black that helps the likeness situation, they both are quick and wiley, they both play in a striker slash winger role they both played for Arsenal and they are two nifty alluring guys. Theo's Arsenal career has had its moments and has had its rocky periods. His fragile physique is cause for concern to regularly he is on the physcian's table as I type even now at this present date the poor lad is injured.
On the international stage Theo is very much a fledgling when it comes to the senior squad with only eight caps to his name but when we mention England and his name in the same breath we have to put B or under 21 or 17 as a suffix. Don't get me wrong his forays with the full national side have been breath taking but one must realise the kid is exactly that just a kid and really England has no real need in my opinion right now for his services but I could be wrong which is a bit of an oxymoron because I'm never wrong. Enough self praise though back to young Walcott. At the junior level for England it has to be said is the go to guy and was the go to guy for a while. His outings for the young Lions which I call the cubs because I am attuned with the animal kingdom, has been outstanding. Like so many of his brief career his cameos in big games have warranted him to receive promotions to greater teams and England is no exception. His first venture with the full side came in 2006 at the World Cup held in Germany under the enigmatic Swede Sven Goran Eriksson he failed to get a game but prior to the world tournament the young forward made his debut on the 30th of May 2006 against a Hungarian side at Old Trafford at the tender age of 17, dumb cliche number two. England went on to win that match 3-1 for those interested, as you may know I couldn't care if England never played again. Who will play again is young master Walcott but not just yet. With one world icon David Beckham heading further and further into mediocrity with his play not to mention he is getting old a spot on that right hand side of midfield must open up. This is where it gets tough for Theo, England happen to be blessed with talented players on either wing on the right there is the appropriately named Shaun Wright-Philips, Aaron Lennon and Jermaine Pennant who are ahead of the queue so it will be hard for him to break through. Maybe one day but not now.
I think England as a team are weak little girly men that to light a fire under them takes huge financial packages and a tearful speech from a dying child. Not even then I think but I do love their individual players, am I contradicting it is a possibility but I do know this young man has a bright future and I hope he does not let his career go by the bye it would be a real shame. Football need more men......well boys like him. I am so tired of these late bloomers coming into the game at age 30 and starting to play like they have talent. I want to see the 15 year old boy wonders who can afford a Ferrari but would rather go buy an Xbox, the kid whose mom does his laundry but can buy her a maid to so she would not have to do it. I miss that but with guys like Theo around there is hope still. A very nifty and tidy little player all I can say. Anticlimax why yes it is I said my piece now you make your own conclusions.

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