Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Editorial: Le' Femme Footy

Chicks, Chickies, Females, Girls, Girlies, Duchess, Madame, Dames, Princess, Queens, Empress, Sweethearts, Women, Prey, Flams and my personal favourite Milk Maidens. The daughters of Eve is on the radar. Everyone loves women, I know I do, most men do and shoot even women love women and I love that they love women, if you know what I mean. Its a man's world sadly if you really think about it the great evils of the world such as slavery (boooooooooooo) and war were cause by man. What if women were at the helm?I am not saying women are the angelic figures they like to portray but we know women are for a fact compassionate beings in general who hate to see anything suffer, maybe its a maternal thing. I being a son of Adam admit that I venerate violence, hold jealousy and hate close to my heart and could care less for the pain of most. I am trying to change all that though, so I am a category four jerk rather than a full blown douche. Women for their admirable qualities deserve more than equality in this orgasmic train ride or shit storm we call life depending on which side of the fence you sit. In sport women are viewed as a side note to their male counterparts, equality is as far apart as the two sexes. A fact that I don't think can ever be changed for the mind is like flowing water it can't change form unless radical doctoring is abundant.

The Cons

I have been waiting to do this. I have praised women at every turn of my life and for the most part I have been let down by 98% of the women I have ever met. Some cuts are deeper than others, some cuts vanish while others leave scars, scars that have left me untouchable by any human action. My whole mental state and view of the world is that of a broken tyrant, a man who had revolutionary dreams, a man who had more pride than a Hoplite General and a man who was braver than a lone angel flying through the depths of hell. These images of myself have either been warped or transformed to their inverse, all thanks to the alleged fairer sex. Am I to blame for allowing myself to be weakened to a state of shame? I say no for to under estimate women is to invite the wolves into your stable. I can only get back at my tormentors the only way I know how, which is through my words and I shall poke fun at their every stride. As much as I praised their push for equality from sport to politics, I know they could never achieve their little goal of equal standing a fact gives me a smug smirk on my face. In football that is an objective they are looking to execute, an objective that has a millennium to even come close to what man has achieved and with that let the hate begin.
You are WEAK!, a fact that women themselves can not deny. Both physically and mentality. Physically men are stronger, faster and more agile. No matter how hard a woman trains her body she could never match her male equivalent in any sport. In football, watching women's football can be a task, as much I have said I am slowly being converted to the women's version, it is still slow, like drugged slug slow. I love the game at all levels but to watch women's football I have to gear up myself mentally to take on this spectacle. I don't know about you but when I am watching a sport I don't want to use my mind to get through it. It is mentally exhausting. The women play the sport like if there is some physical barrier over them, the play and the pitch. I can best describe it as jousting with sponge lances all while going at the speed of a braking tricycle. On mental faculties I have always heard that women are more discipline and better equipped to deal with stressful situations, apparently this does not apply to soccer. I have watched ladies literally cried because they lost the ball. I have watched women while losing stormed off the field. I know football is an emotional game but some of the stuff is ridiculous. A trend that I have noticed in the women's game is the inability to be up for a fight. As soon as a team scores the first goal the other team is on the bus already. Their is little fire in their bellies if you are new to that term I assure you it is nothing physical it has to do with mental strength and it means being motivated, to go for it, a notion that the ladies same to either forget or was not informed on the brochure.
I am a firm believer of the herding mentality. This is when an individual follows his or her peers in a trend, direction or in this case ideology. I like the two billion people of the earth who actually follow the sport take ours with a side of man,thank you and not with sports bras. When I say no one watches women's football I mean no one,on television that is. I am right in saying they have a growing fan base coming through in my previous article but I did also say that growing fan base were little girls hyped up on cupcakes. Which I find hilarious. Like WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) these women play in semi-packed arenas which by the way through nifty camera work are able to look semi full. You ask the average man the name of any women's soccer club team they would struggle to tell you. I myself do struggle a bit but when it comes to the sport I am how you say a bit above average so I am ruled out. It is so sad that some teams have to resort to ad campaigns to heighten awareness. Okay lets do a test. Who is the most famous women's soccer player?, who is the number ranked women's football team in the world?, name eleven professional women soccer players? That is your google homework for the day. I myself struggle from the top of my head on the last question I only am only able to name ten with regards to position and skill.

Another reason why women's soccer fails miserably is the lack of popularity of its athletes. If am going to follow something let me at least have something to follow. The most popular women's soccer image I have in my head is from the movie, "Bend It Like Beckham," even that is vague, I think it had an Indian chick in it. The games are hardly on television, no one ever knows who is playing who, when the "major," tournaments in inverted commas are. They would be lucky to get a slot right between to the comics and the obituaries. I would say that is where women's football belongs but to put something in the obituaries it has to be dead and women's football was never alive to begin with. The fact that they play the game with such sluggish vigor does not help their cause either. Who would want to endear themselves to persons that look like they are playing hopscotch with a ball.
Women have longed try to be on par with men in all factions life. They wanted the vote they got that. They wanted general equality in the workplace that is getting ahead as well. In sport is another matter. I could have gone further with my little mini tirade but I won't. As much as I am learning to appreciate women's football, I must say I only watch it for my own selfish gain. That being my quest for knowledge in all things sport, if not for that I would not cast an eyelid on it. Face it, its not that good bordering on the terrible. Women's sport can be really good but it has to depend on the sport and football is not one of those sports. There is a place in this world for man and woman but unfortunately, a woman's place is not on a football pitch. Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

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