Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Editorial: Le'Femme Footy

Ladies,Ladies,Ladies, oh how I love my ladies. Why shouldn't I. Damn it my mom is one and if you can't love someone who housed you in their stomach like a warehouse for 9 months who can you love. Women are soft, cuddly and smell like things you would like to eat. Not like a grill chicken sandwich and some Mediterranean fries. Yummy by the way but like fine chocolates or very sweet dainty fruits. It is this kind of thinking by males in general that lead to the stigma that female athletes have to put up with. I was an antagonist myself. I used to say stuff like, "They now gave you lot the vote now you want to do man things (sports)." I know, terrible on my part, may I never have a girlfriend again after that comment. Unfortunately this is portrayed in the west about women in male dominated fields and in the east we would not even be having this conversation. Football shares this same issue and don't think we will side step it. What you think we are women? That sort of remarks that keep female sports down.

The Pros

Why yes. Yes they are. They are professionals a fact that can not be denied and pretty darn good ones as well but that is not the pros I am talking about. You know the expression the pros and the cons. The pros being the positives and the cons the negatives. Ironically a con can be referred to a convict i.e a prisoner but the only thing that has been imprisoned is my heart and my enslavers are the fair maidens of women's football. They are a lot of good things that can be drawn from women's soccer, we will see if they out way those nasty cons. I doubt it because to weigh more than a 268 pound child rapist name Nils Viensenpool who lives on E-wing in an unfashionable third world country is damn near impossible. I actually mean the negatives but they can't out weigh what I said previously either.
A highlight of women's football is its rapid and dangerously loyal fans. It sounds a bit odd but I guarantee what I say is true. Given the fact that football is a genuine family sport not like golf and to a lesser extent tennis. Think about the amount of families who follow their son's or daughter's careers and think about the amount of mothers and fathers who send their kids to soccer camps all over the world. What
the women's game has done wonderfully well is use the unconditional family support that people give one another to bolster fan base and popularity. Take it from me the biggest fans you will ever have is your family and the amount of that are actually relatives is staggering. Another part of the rapid fan base the ladies receive comes from what I like to call " I want to be just like you girls when I grow up because you are pretty and strong and awesome," also known as the young aspiring female talent. Women don't idolize men they love or adore them. Who they idolize is an image women. No you say. Well consider this, there is a reason why Barbie is so popular. A beautiful and athletic woman is like God or a goddess in this case to a little girl.
What is also great about women's football is that it helps break that social taboo about women and sports. Well all women who play male based sports do break it but my focus is football. Let's not kid ourselves football is a man's sport it is physical it is rough and the odd killing takes place depending on where you live. It is played, supported and idolize by men the world over because of this women are for lack of a better word ostracize from it. I use myself as an example again my actions and my comments to women sports have been, well, shameful. I have heard men say they would rather watch two frogs fight in a bucket. A very interesting scenario I might add, you have not lived life until you have seen it trust me. Rather than watch a game of women's professional soccer. These handful of women never complain about the lack of support or what I find the ignorance that surrounds them and if those critics of the their game would actually give them a chance they would see what they can offer. What is sad in a so called modern world that we live in has a society that sees women as merely objects of desire incapable of real skill. Give the girls a break especially after the strides they made in the west to gain the distorted idea of equality but social equality is another article and another time.
I think the greatest pro that women's soccer can produce is the actually play it itself. The woman footballer is the most composed creature on earth, well at least for 90 minutes. The male footballer can learn from his female counterpart in how to exercise self control. Nothing tends to shake her demeanor, so their play can be surprisingly very calculated not like the cock fight I expected. This gentlemanly style has serve the ladies well ironically. The female footballer may not have the physical attributes of the man but she has the mind and this is transfer to her ability on the ball. Speed may be lacking sometimes well our interpretation of it that is but guile and craft is very important which the ladies display. Some football purist say that the inflated prices of male professionals have led to the game to being tainted, so now they find themselves drifting towards youth play and towards the women's game. A game they say stick to the old tactics and traditional play that the male's have forsaken. The women who play this game are extremely well conditioned and have given the middle finger to the limitations of the woman body. An attribute that negates weakness of their bodies in short they are tough, they can hurt you if they get in their way.
Women's sport is always under advance scrutiny as with any thing they do that encroaches on "men sports," which is not fair. This just shows the maturity of the world that we can still poke fun at women. As for the football I am a converted pagan. I implore you to watch it. It may not have the household names as the males would but it is good fun, these women don't can do damage. Plus all you guys out there, they are hot and pretty to look at. Imagine, football the thing you love the most played by an attractive woman who loves the game. I know I want to marry one am I wrong that.

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