Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Snake Eye

Oi guys, I'm back well inspired by some Swedish hip-hop do I have a clue what they are saying not an expletive clue but the beats are ice cold. Know what else is cold a snake's blood bit of biology there, try to set up the whole Snake Eye theme there but oh well. Yes Snake Eye is back to take look at that player you do not know or if you did would not care about, the little guy in the back that gets the last touch on the thing that is being passed around the classroom. Unfortunate as that sounds I do say there is hope for I am on their side I am here to showcase the forgotten figure and Snake Eye is my spotlight. What I like to do is to explain how Snake Eye is chosen I won't today because I am feeling a tad bit lazy and if you don't know by now shame on you for possible new readers I apologize for my lax state and if you are interested I invite you to take a look at previous Snakos as I like to call them. With that lets us take flight not like Icarus though we all know what happened there.

Name: Kyle Robert Beckerman

D/O/B: 04/23/1982 (age 27)

Place of Birth: Crofton, Maryland, USA

Position: Midfielder (Central Defensive Midfielder)

Height: 5'10 ft/inches

Weight: 163lbs

National Team: United States of America

Caps: 4

Club Teams: Miami Fusion (2000-01), MLS Pro-40 (2000-01) (loan), Colorado Rapids (2002-07), Real Salt Lake (2007-present)

When ever I see a white rastaman it always brings a smile to the old face I always drop the joke, "The Dreaded White Man," well as you can see we have one of Uncle Sam's men in the our reptilian gaze today which I do have to say is a rare thing, American's are often overlook when it comes to football but given the recent success of their men's national soccer team I have decided to drop anchor in America's Major League Soccer and while fishing Beckerman's dreads got snared onto my hook. I will be honest I think the US league is a third tier operation with aging European masters and young college hot shots looking to impress their girlfriends. My opinion is slowly starting to change not because of the recent exploits of the Yanks in major FIFA competitons but by actually sitting and watching a game, it is true due to my mother's cheapness and my own inability to land a decent job in the current economic climate I have been relegated to watch MLS games but as a football enthusiast may it be a gutter match or a glitsy European grudge match I shall watch. This so said relegation to MLS has opened my eyes to some very tasty players guys that can definitely ply their traded outside of the States. I do think the dreaded one has a shot so lets see how he came to be.
Kyle Robert Beckerman not Beckham although they do look a like minus the locks was born in Crofton, Maryland in the United States of America. Kyle was born on the 23rd of April 1982. He is truly destine for greatest for people born on this date are meant to be the bringers of joy, full of valor and might and very attractive I may add, all round a very good date, moving on. Kyle is MLS' hottest topics at the moment but this was not always the case. Kyle started his professional career at the now decease Miami Fusion a club in the old league set up in America. Kyle is not your typical American player the lad gave the royal middle finger to college and opted for the direct route of busting in the door.He still had to go a school though albeit a soccer one Kyle is a graduate of the United States Soccer Federation Bradenton Academy an institiution that yield the likes of the golden boy of US soccer Landon Donovan. At the Fusion Kyle managed only a hat full of games injury marred his fledging seasons on the peninsula and Beckerman only managed three games. So trying to get back on track Bex was farmed out on loan to some Pro 40 MLS team I really don't know what that is it seems to be a fostering ground for young American soccer talent. Anyway Kyle was with that lot in 2000 to 2001 and made seven outings with the organisation but now out of contract with the Fusion because of their collapse in his first season the combative midfielder was now in the hands of the MLS draft and soon Kyle found himself moving from the surf of Miami to the rocky turf of Colorado. The Colorado Rapids inlisted the youngster where he would go on to make 148 appearances for the midwest state bulging the old onion bag ten times it was a rocky start for the guy in the Rockies. The first seasons were tough and playing time for Beckerman was at a premium but the natty dread locked his postion from potential rivals but the unpredictability of the MLS draft came like an avalanche and barrelled down on Beckerman's Aspen adventure putting an end to his five year spell from 2002 to 2007 with the club. Kyle was traded like a piece of gold to Real. Not the one your thinking of not the one which is based in one of the most ancient kingdoms on the planet the old haunt of Queen Isabella and the birth place of the galleon and the Armada which it sailed and the masters of navigation, OH NO Kyle was going to Real Salt Lake in the wonderful state of Utah where salt is mined and the Mormon faith runs rampant. Not like there is a problem with Christianity I am a fan of all pious religions. RSL is now Kyle's home and what a nice fit it has been, the club captain, fan favourite and that clean fresh country air and a foward looking team. Kyle has been the pivot in the Salt Lake midfield for some time now, not an aggressive player but a smart tackler. As in my Snake Eye segments I like to dedicate some text the international progress of the player but Kyle's international ventures have been mostly at youth level and he only has four senior call ups for the "Yank Army," only making his debut for the Stars N Stripes as recent as 2007 so not much reading there. One thing for certain he will want to be on that team sheet heading for South Africa come 2010.
What can be said about Mr. Beckerman well for one I love the hair reminds me of a young Henrik Larsson or my favourite Swedish rapper Promoe google him he brings that fire. Kyle is a bit of a late bloomer now 27 and is now showing his best stuff and I like it, let me explain how much I rate Kyle he makes me rush to watch MLS which I explained early it is not one of my favourite leagues. His battling qualities and easy and calm temperment is one to be praised I truly hope Kyle presses on and cements himself as a US great, Europe awaits my friend. Ask yourself do you want it?

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