Monday, July 27, 2009

Random Bite

Indeed Carlos Indeed

I had to chime in on this one. Is it jealousy or a superiority complex? Who knows but thee picture aloft has had the famous Manchester United gaffer Sir Alex Ferguson with all his knickers a bunch. If you are not aware between the history between Manchester United and Manchester City a team that is actually in Manchester unlike United, take that you Red Devil fans, you have missed out. United has been the most illustrious team in the area for many generations but now City has acquired the tag of the richest club in the world a fact that has Fergie a bit upset. The poster features former Man United and Argentina ace Carlos Tevez as you can see a fact that has Ferguson boiling. Honestly in my opinion me being a Blue nose man myself Manchester City should have put a long standing City player on that billboard like Micah Richards, Stevie Ireland or as I like to call him Richard Dunne aka the "Dunneymonster,"
instead of a new comer like Tevez who now has to earn his salt. Could it be the fact that a Manchester United player has crossed the divide to their cross town rivals? Well I say no because it has been done before. Men like the Great Dane Peter Schmeichel, Andrew Cole, Denis Law and Brian Kidd have done it with no real scorn aimed. Could it be the spending power of City, I doubt United have trophies and City don't so material things are blown out the window. Sir Alex called Manchester City a "small club," after this image of the Argentine was erected. Well Sir Alex let me cast your aging Scottish mind to last seasons league campaign, where you Lord Ferguson called a press conference to call out Liverpool coach Rafael Benitez for his comments on David Moyes' Everton in which Benitez referred the Toffees the nickname for Everton a "small club." As like his countrymen in the movie Braveheart the valiant Scot came to the aid of his fellow countryman Moyes. Now I may not be the smartest scientist in the lab but is not that being a hypocrite? Maybe my Manchester United fans out there can clarify the situation because you know Manchester United fans are the smartest people on the planet they invented football you know, you didn't well now you know, they did.I think the man who looks like Santa Clause minus the beard and pleasant spirit has a point on how this advert could be interpreted as a bit flashy but didn't Manchester City pay for the player, a player you did not try hard enough to keep and benched at every turn. I would assume me not me being a specialist in Public Relations although I did get a "B," in college, have they not the rights to all likeliness of the players image and again an image that you did not want to pay for. What is my take on the situation well this is my diplomatic response this is a rivalry like any other so really no punches should ever be pulled back, my gangster doctrine teaches me, "see thy enemy hate thy enemy, strike thy enemy before stricken." That is me being diplomatic, now this is me being an uncivilized heathen. Sir Alex Ferguson is a bitch and all who support and follow his ideology are bigger bitches. Sorry for the language but it had to be said. I have little respect for him or his lot and the "fans," who support them. I do have a Manchester City bias I will admit but putting that a side Fergie is truly a petty old man, for so long City have had to put up with their chatter and now they are making meaningful strides all fans of United and Ferguson can do is be arrogant and pompous. United feel they are the greatest club in the world and they are not, they and their supporters feel they have some God given right to be on top which is horse manure. I respect Real Madrid more than United only for the simple fact they are modest. One final note to all United fans grow up really it is about time.


Unknown said...
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Green Lizard said...
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Unknown said...

Off of MAN UNTD ya,u team flop ole man. lol