Sunday, July 26, 2009

Random Bite

Okay guys this is totally random hence the name Random Bite. I actually had no plans to talk about football for a couple of days, call it a bit of a hiatus. In my exile I have been taking in a bit of football and I was feeling a bit philosophical as well. What has inspired this upcoming tirade is the CONCACAF Gold Cup. To be honest I have struggled to follow this competition in terms of watching live games due to my lack of broadcast options. Thank You, Antoinette Gibbons for that, your love for your son is unrivaled. Anyway the tournament has to be said a low ranking FIFA tournament, it definitely is no World Cup and fails miserably to its South American, African, Asian and European equivalents. Okay we have establish the fact that it is watered down manure compared to the competitions mentioned prior but this is not where my attention lies. Today was the final of the Gold Cup. If you care the Untied States was raped 5-0 by Mexico in New Jersey by the way not even that heavy molestation is the brunt of my argument. Oh no, believe it or not, it will be discussed but not just yet have no fear. Lets cast our minds a couple of days before this so called big match which was a bit dull if you ask me. About a week ago in my glorious life of unemployment which I still am by the way. I was doing one of the 78 commandments, " Thou shall layeth (not a typo) upon couch and watch Public access television." While taking in one of the few good channels on Public access TV, ESPN they were previewing the USA, Mexico game. I would admit for Americans they had a good grasp on football and the forthcoming game, I was impressed. Cool, all is well and at the end of the segment they announced the channels it would be broadcasting on and to my horror they said that the only way I could see the game was in Spanish on Public access, once again may I give a shoot out to my mother Antoinette Gibbons the greatest export Barbados ever produced a true heroine. Anyway the game came over public television mine you the cable package most Americans would have, it in Spanish on a Latin American based channel as promised. The point I am trying to make is that one of biggest game in United States soccer history was not available to the general public in English. This just shows the lack of respect this game has in this country. The Americans who actually give a damn about the sport had to suffer today not only by the hands of the Mexican style rape on the field but to add insult to injury they had to watch it in good old Espanol. Which I liked I must say to hear, "GGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAASSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO," was mad fun and the commentators give you great entertainment value but my only problem was oh yes it was in "SPANISH." As comical as the game and commentary was I was upset. How can this sport grow in America if the public are relegated to watch their national team play to the voice of a man who calls players names repeatedly like if it is Sesame Street. As much strides US Soccer makes on the field they take two steps back in another department. This inability to supply the general populous who most of which speak English shows me that the powers behind the sport in the America could not give a fill in the blank about the fans in the country. Not everyone is privileged to have upgraded cable packages and this is a national event so that makes it even more shameful. Maybe it was a good thing the greater public did not see this American tragedy that transpired on the pitch. The game was not that great. I being a football connoisseur know players on either side. I was cheated by the line ups on display because I know each side strongest teams. This shows a lack of respect for the cup and the fans who follow it so big worm infested thumbs down for American coach Bob Bradley and Javier Aguirre his Mexican counterpart. Mexico was without the likes of Pavel Pardo, Rafael Marquez and Andres Guardado while the Yanks forgot to tell the regular team to show up apparently. They had no Tim Howard, Landon Donovan, Oguchi Onweyu, Damarcus Beasley (who looks like my uncle LOL),Freddie Adu, Maurice Edu, Jozy Altidore, Michael Bradley, Brad Guzan, Carlos Bocanegra, Bobby Convey and Charlie Davis. Now that is a fairly decent line up. So you see why they deserved to get rape, I honestly feel cheated. The game itself was pedestrian at best. Mexico turned on the style late and are deserved winners so props to them. Giovanni Dos Santos and Carlos Vela were beautiful and on the American half young Stuart Holden did not deserve what he got today he has to much of a bright future. So that is it from me. One more thing what is even more sad on the US part was that the game was played in New Jersey and the Mexican fans outnumbered Uncle Sam's Army 3 to 1. America, this was truly a dark day.


greenlizard said...

definitely a problem for a game

Shingles said...

this is why media in america sucks